This weekend it was the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch 2015. The RSPB run this activity every year to help them record and monitor trends to understand how different birds and wildlife are faring. It can assist in identifying and helping species that are in danger and the best ways to give nature a home.
It is a simple activity to take part in and all you need to do is find one hour to just sit and watch the birds and record which species come into your garden. The results can then be submitted via most electronic devices or by form to the RSPB. (See their website below) There is still plenty of time to send in results - they can be submitted up to 16th February.
It was a lovely morning on Saturday- perfect for watching birds come and go. We watched and counted:
2 bluetits
2 blackbirds
2 magpies
2 wood pigeons
2 robins
4 sparrows
1 great tit.
It was fairly quiet morning and we do often get many other species of birds visiting such as long tail tits, goldfinches, greenfinches, wrens, fieldfares, redwings, woodpeckers, chaffinches and even moorhens and pheasants to name a few, but you can only record what you see in the hour that you watch.
We have worked hard to try and attract wildlife in our garden and have an assortment of feeders and bird boxes to attract a variety of birds. It is always a pleasure to sit quietly and watch the different birds busily coming and going. I love it in spring when the waterfall on the pond is flowing properly
-not iced up like it is now - and the birds come for a bath in it's pools all day long. We have a couple of bird baths too and try and ensure there is water out for them to drink, especially in this freezing weather.
Did you take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch, if so what did you spot and what birds come in your garden?
The apple tree plentiful with bird feeders |
Sunflower seeds |
mixed seeds |
A fat feeder - the birds love this one |
Bird box ready - blue tits are already looking around it |
More mixed seed on the cherry blossom tree |
Another fat ball feeder on the blossom tree |
Fruit feeder near the conservatory so we can spy who's on it! |
Little seed feeder - a favourite for the robins and blackbirds - the pigeons like to mop up the leftovers underneath it too! |
Another bird box - hidden on the back of the summerhouse, but viewed nicely from a distance on the top patio |
Bird table with a little butterfly house hanging too |
Bacon rind, mealy worms and table seed for dinner today! |
Drinking hole amongst the shrubs |